Packages changed:
  MicroOS-release (20250303 -> 20250304)

=== Details ===

==== MicroOS-release ====
Version update (20250303 -> 20250304)
Subpackages: MicroOS-release-appliance MicroOS-release-dvd

- automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen

==== gettext-runtime ====
Subpackages: envsubst libtextstyle0

- Fix crash while handling po files with malformed header and
  process them properly
  (0003-Fix-malformed-header-processing.patch, boo#1227316).

==== gtk2 ====
Subpackages: gtk2-tools libgtk-2_0-0

- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream and
  gnome-patch-translation support (PM-2938, jsc#SLE-21105). Provide
  translation for SUSE specific strings and missing upstream
  translations in a dedicated tarball.