The library ANOPA
provides easy-to-use tools to analyze
proportions . With it, you can examine if proportions are significantly
different (show an effect). In the case where there is more
than one factor, you can also test if the interaction(s) are
significant. You can also test simple effects (a.k.a. expected
marginal analysis), as well as post-hoc tests (using Tukey’s
Honestly Significant Difference test HSD). Finally, you can
assess differences based on orthogonal contrasts. You can consult
Laurencelle & Cousineau (2023) for details.
ANOPA also comes (a) with tools to make a plot of the proportions along with 95% confidence intervals [these intervals are adjusted for pair- wise comparisons; Cousineau, Goulet, & Harding (2021)]; (b) with tools to compute statistical power given some a priori expected proportions or sample size to reach a certain statistical power; (c) to generate random proportions if you wish to perform Monte Carlo simulations on proportions. In sum, eveything you need to analyse proportions!
The main function is anopa()
which returns an omnibus
analysis of the proportions for the factors given. For example, if you
have a data frame ArticleExample2
which contains a column
called s
where the number of successes per group are
stored, and a column called n
where the group sizes are
stored, then the following performs an analysis of proportions as a
function of the groups based on the columns SES
<- anopa( {s; n} ~ SES * MofDiagnostic, ArticleExample2 )
w summary(w)
## MS df F pvalue correction Fcorr pvalcorr
## SES 0.022242 2 6.394845 0.001670 1.004652 6.365237 0.001720
## MofDiagnostic 0.001742 1 0.500966 0.479076 1.002248 0.499842 0.479569
## SES:MofDiagnostic 0.007443 2 2.140035 0.117651 1.040875 2.055997 0.127965
## Error(between) 0.003478 Inf
As the results suggest (consult the first three columns), there is a main effect of the factor SES (F(2, inf) = 6.395, p = .002). A plot of the proportions can be obtained easily with
or just the main effect figure with
anopaPlot(w, ~ SES)
If the interaction had been significant, simple effects can be
analyzed from the expected marginal frequencies with
e <- emProportions(w, ~ SES | MofDiagnostic )
Follow-up analyses include contrasts examinations with
; finally, post-hoc pairwise
comparisons can be obtained with posthocProportions()
Prior to running an experiment, you might consider some statistical
power planning on proportions using anopaPower2N()
as long as you can anticipate the expected
proportions. A convenient effect size, the f-square and eta-square can
be obtained with anopaPropTofsq()
Finally, toCompiled()
, toLong()
can be used to present the proportion in other
The official CRAN version can be installed with
The development version 0.1.3 can be accessed through GitHub:
Note that the package ANOPA
is named using UPPERCASE
letters whereas the main function anopa()
is written using
lowercase letters.
The library is loaded with
As seen, the library ANOPA
makes it easy to analyze
proportions using the same general vocabulary found in ANOVAs.
The complete documentation is available on this site.
A general introduction to the ANOPA
framework underlying
this library can be found at Laurencelle & Cousineau (2023).