The FastJM
package implement efficient computation of
semi-parametric joint model of longitudinal and competing risks
The FastJM
package comes with several simulated
datasets. To fit a joint model, we use jmcs
#> Loading required package: FastJM
#> Loading required package: statmod
#> Loading required package: MASS
#> Loading required package: survival
<- jmcs(ydata = ydata, cdata = cdata,
fit long.formula = response ~ time + gender + x1 + race,
surv.formula = Surv(surv, failure_type) ~ x1 + gender + x2 + race,
random = ~ time| ID)
#> Call:
#> jmcs(ydata = ydata, cdata = cdata, long.formula = response ~ time + gender + x1 + race, random = ~time | ID, surv.formula = Surv(surv, failure_type) ~ x1 + gender + x2 + race)
#> Data Summary:
#> Number of observations: 3067
#> Number of groups: 1000
#> Proportion of competing risks:
#> Risk 1 : 34.9 %
#> Risk 2 : 29.8 %
#> Numerical intergration:
#> Method: pseudo-adaptive Guass-Hermite quadrature
#> Number of quadrature points: 6
#> Model Type: joint modeling of longitudinal continuous and competing risks data
#> Model summary:
#> Longitudinal process: linear mixed effects model
#> Event process: cause-specific Cox proportional hazard model with non-parametric baseline hazard
#> Loglikelihood: -8989.389
#> Fixed effects in the longitudinal sub-model: response ~ time + gender + x1 + race
#> Estimate SE Z value p-val
#> (Intercept) 2.01853 0.05704 35.38803 0.0000
#> time 0.98292 0.03147 31.22885 0.0000
#> genderMale -0.07766 0.05860 -1.32527 0.1851
#> x1 -1.47810 0.05851 -25.26356 0.0000
#> raceWhite 0.04527 0.05911 0.76581 0.4438
#> Estimate SE Z value p-val
#> sigma^2 0.49182 0.01793 27.43751 0.0000
#> Fixed effects in the survival sub-model: Surv(surv, failure_type) ~ x1 + gender + x2 + race
#> Estimate SE Z value p-val
#> x1_1 0.54672 0.18540 2.94892 0.0032
#> genderMale_1 -0.18781 0.11935 -1.57359 0.1156
#> x2_1 -1.10450 0.12731 -8.67602 0.0000
#> raceWhite_1 -0.10027 0.11802 -0.84960 0.3955
#> x1_2 0.62986 0.20064 3.13927 0.0017
#> genderMale_2 0.10834 0.13065 0.82926 0.4070
#> x2_2 -1.76738 0.15245 -11.59296 0.0000
#> raceWhite_2 0.03194 0.13049 0.24479 0.8066
#> Association parameters:
#> Estimate SE Z value p-val
#> (Intercept)_1 0.93973 0.12160 7.72809 0.0000
#> time_1 0.31691 0.19318 1.64051 0.1009
#> (Intercept)_2 0.96486 0.13646 7.07090 0.0000
#> time_2 0.03772 0.24137 0.15629 0.8758
#> Random effects:
#> Formula: ~time | ID
#> Estimate SE Z value p-val
#> (Intercept) 0.52981 0.03933 13.47048 0.0000
#> time 0.25885 0.02262 11.44217 0.0000
#> (Intercept):time -0.02765 0.02529 -1.09330 0.2743
The FastJM
package can make dynamic prediction given the
longitudinal history information. Below is a toy example for competing
risks data. Conditional cumulative incidence probabilities for each
failure will be presented.
<- ydata[ydata$ID %in% c(419, 218), ]
ND <- unique(ND$ID)
ID <- cdata[cdata$ID %in% ID, ]
NDc <- survfitjmcs(fit,
survfit ynewdata = ND,
cnewdata = NDc,
u = seq(3, 4.8, by = 0.2),
method = "GH",
obs.time = "time")
#> Prediction of Conditional Probabilities of Event
#> based on the pseudo-adaptive Guass-Hermite quadrature rule with 6 quadrature points
#> $`218`
#> times CIF1 CIF2
#> 1 2.441634 0.00000000 0.0000000
#> 2 3.000000 0.09629588 0.1110072
#> 3 3.200000 0.11862304 0.1369133
#> 4 3.400000 0.15142590 0.1679708
#> 5 3.600000 0.18413127 0.1839693
#> 6 3.800000 0.21269800 0.2096528
#> 7 4.000000 0.23043413 0.2249182
#> 8 4.200000 0.25459317 0.2500146
#> 9 4.400000 0.25811390 0.2599361
#> 10 4.600000 0.28856883 0.2896654
#> 11 4.800000 0.30829095 0.3134531
#> $`419`
#> times CIF1 CIF2
#> 1 2.432155 0.00000000 0.00000000
#> 2 3.000000 0.02972511 0.02073398
#> 3 3.200000 0.03757608 0.02601222
#> 4 3.400000 0.05003929 0.03270990
#> 5 3.600000 0.06332292 0.03635232
#> 6 3.800000 0.07563241 0.04273814
#> 7 4.000000 0.08376596 0.04677029
#> 8 4.200000 0.09564633 0.05378957
#> 9 4.400000 0.09743720 0.05674168
#> 10 4.600000 0.11449841 0.06602758
#> 11 4.800000 0.12639379 0.07432217
To assess the prediction accuracy of the fitted joint model, we may
run PEjmcs
to calculate the Brier score.
## evaluate prediction accuracy of fitted joint model using cross-validated Brier Score
<- PEjmcs(fit, seed = 100, landmark.time = 3, horizon.time = c(3.6, 4, 4.4),
PE obs.time = "time", method = "GH",
quadpoint = NULL, maxiter = 1000, = 3,
survinitial = TRUE)
#> The 1 th validation is done!
#> The 2 th validation is done!
#> The 3 th validation is done!
summary(PE, error = "Brier")
#> Expected Brier Score at the landmark time of 3
#> based on 3 fold cross validation
#> Horizon Time Brier Score 1 Brier Score 2
#> 1 3.6 0.06214519 0.03483533
#> 2 4.0 0.09404153 0.05420762
#> 3 4.4 0.11043488 0.06861870
An alternative to assess the prediction accuracy is to run
to calculate the prediction error by comparing the
predicted and empirical risks stratified on different risk groups based
on quantile of the predicted risks.
## evaluate prediction accuracy of fitted joint model using cross-validated mean absolute prediction error
<- MAEQjmcs(fit, seed = 100, landmark.time = 3, horizon.time = c(3.6, 4, 4.4),
MAEQ obs.time = "time", method = "GH",
quadpoint = NULL, maxiter = 1000, = 3,
survinitial = TRUE)
#> The 1 th validation is done!
#> The 2 th validation is done!
#> The 3 th validation is done!
summary(MAEQ, digits = 3)
#> Sum of absolute error across quintiles of predicted risk scores at the landmark time of 3
#> based on 3 fold cross validation
#> Horizon Time CIF1 CIF2
#> 1 3.6 0.249 0.079
#> 2 4.0 0.292 0.106
#> 3 4.4 0.293 0.147
We may also calculate the area under the ROC curve (AUC) to assess the discrimination measure of joint models.
## evaluate prediction accuracy of fitted joint model using cross-validated mean AUC
<- AUCjmcs(fit, seed = 100, landmark.time = 3, horizon.time = c(3.6, 4, 4.4),
AUC obs.time = "time", method = "GH",
quadpoint = NULL, maxiter = 1000, = 3)
#> The 1 th validation is done!
#> The 2 th validation is done!
#> The 3 th validation is done!
summary(AUC, digits = 3)
#> Expected AUC at the landmark time of 3
#> based on 3 fold cross validation
#> Horizon Time AUC1 AUC2
#> 1 3.6 0.7172788 0.6561398
#> 2 4.0 0.6914785 0.6538589
#> 3 4.4 0.6966017 0.6933577