Fits MEDseq models introduced by Murphy et al. (2021) <doi:10.1111/rssa.12712>, i.e. fits mixtures of exponential-distance models for clustering longitudinal/categorical life-course sequence data via the EM/CEM algorithm. A family of parsimonious precision parameter constraints are accommodated. So too are sampling weights. Gating covariates can be supplied via formula interfaces. Visualisation of the results of such models is also facilitated.
The most important function in the MEDseq package
is: MEDseq_fit
, for fitting the models via EM/CEM. This
function requires the data to be in "stslist"
format; the
function seqdef
is conveniently reexported from the
TraMineR package for this purpose.
allows supplying additional arguments
which govern, among other things, controls on the initialisation of the
allocations for the EM/CEM algorithm and the various model selection
options. MEDseq_compare
is provided for conducting model
selection between different results from using different covariate
combinations &/or initialisation strategies, etc.
is provided for computing the standard errors
of the coefficients for the covariates in the gating network.
A dedicated plotting function exists for visualising various aspects
of the results, using new methods as well as some existing methods
adapted from the TraMineR package. Finally, the package
also contains two data sets: biofam
You can install the latest stable official release of the
package from CRAN:
or the development version from GitHub:
# If required install devtools:
# install.packages('devtools')
In either case, you can then explore the package with:
help(MEDseq_fit) # Help on the main modelling function
For a more thorough intro, the vignette document is available as follows:
vignette("MEDseq", package="MEDseq")
However, if the package is installed from GitHub the vignette is not automatically created. It can be accessed when installing from GitHub with the code:
devtools::install_github('Keefe-Murphy/MEDseq', build_vignettes = TRUE)
Alternatively, the vignette is available on the package’s CRAN page.
Murphy, K., Murphy, T. B., Piccarreta, R., and Gormley, I. C. (2021). Clustering longitudinal life-course sequences using mixtures of exponential-distance models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 184(4): 1414–1451. <doi:10.1111/rssa.12712>.