Improved the routines that do power calculations
Added routine to allow benchmarking of new user
supplied tests. Some minor changes to other routines.
some minor bug fixes, additions to vignette
Added routines for calculating p values adjusted for simultaneous testing
fixed a bug in calculation of chi square test, made cpp routines
invisible, fixed issue with help titles
fixed a code problem in TS_disc_cpp on line 146
made some changes to the arguments of twosample_power
changed line 66 in TS_cont_cpp.cpp from
while ( (x[j]<=sxy[i]) && (j<nx))
while ( (j<nx) && (x[j]<=sxy[i]) )
to avoid heap-buffer-overflow error.
Changed & to && in a TS_cont_cpp.cpp
Changed | to || in a number of the C++ routines per request from the CRAN Team
Added a
file to track changes to the
Oct 10, 2022: Added to run_shiny(), added () to function names
eliminated \dontrun(), added toy examples
changed cat to message
changed Maintainer to Authors@R
Oct. 11, 2022: Eliminated all and , added toy examples Searched and eliminated all empty spaces in DESCRIPTION that I could find.