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News for Package RcppSimdJson
Changes in version 0.1.13 (2025-03-07)
A call to
is now guarded (Daniel)The package now uses Authors@R as mandated by CRAN (Dirk)
simdjson was upgraded to version 3.12.2 (Dirk)
Continuous integration updated to more compilers and simpler setup
Two demos are now in
to not inflate Suggests
Changes in version 0.1.12 (2024-07-05)
Updated benchmarks now include 'yyjsonr'
simdjson was upgraded to version 3.9.5 (Daniel in #92 fixing #91)
Additional small update for C++20 compilation under g++-14
Changes in version 0.1.11 (2023-11-28)
has been regenerated under an updated Rcpp to address aprintf
format warning (Dirk in #88).
Changes in version 0.1.10 (2023-05-14)
simdjson was upgraded to version 3.1.8 (Dirk in #85).
Changes in version 0.1.9 (2023-01-21)
The internal function
is now exported at the C++ level as well as in R (Dirk in #81 closing #80).-
simdjson was upgraded to version 3.0.1 (Dirk in #83).
The package now defaults to C++17 compilation;
has been retired (Dirk closing #82).The three main R access functions now use a more compact argument check via
Changes in version 0.1.8 (2022-10-18)
Use the '||' operator instead of '|' on a set of booleans to appease 'clang-14'.
Changes in version 0.1.7 (2022-02-18)
Two URLs were updated in '', and Travis artifacts and badges have been removed (Dirk).
One unit test file was updated to not trigger a 'LENGTH_1' warning (Dirk closing #76).
Changes in version 0.1.6 (2021-09-07)
The C++17 dependency was stated more clearly in the DESCRIPTION file (Dirk)
The simdjson version was updated to release 1.0.0 (Daniel Lemire in #70).
Changes in version 0.1.5 (2021-02-23)
Temporary filenames from request URLs need an extra path sanitization on Windows as seen with package td.
A few
tags were added to the code.
Changes in version 0.1.4 (2021-02-12)
Support additional headers in
(Dirk in #60).Enable continuous integration via GitHub Actions using
from r-ci repo (Dirk in #61, #62).Add option to always return list to
(Brendan in #65 closing #64).
Changes in version 0.1.3 (2020-11-01)
Added URLs to DESCRIPTION (Dirk closing #50).
Upgraded to simdjson 0.6.0 (Dirk in #52).
New policy option to always convert integers to
(Brendan in #55 closing #54).Added workaround for odd clang-9 bug (Brendan in #57).
New utility functions
(Brendan in #58).
Changes in version 0.1.2 (2020-10-07)
Upgraded to simdjson 0.5.0 (Dirk in #49).
Changes in version 0.1.1 (2020-08-10)
Corrected incorrect file deletion when mixing local and remote files (Brendan in #34) closing #33.
Added support for raw vectors, compressed files, and compressed downloads (Dirk and Brendan in #36, #39, and #45 closing #35 and addressing issues raised in #40 and #44).
Examples in two demos are now more self-sufficient (Daniel Lemire and Dirk in #42).
Expanded query functionality to include single, flat, and nested queries (Brendan in #45 closing #43).
Split error handling parameters from
(Brendan in #45).One-line upstream change to address sanitizer error on cast.
Changes in version 0.1.0 (2020-07-07)
Upgraded to simdjson 0.4.1 which adds upstream Windows support (Dirk in #27 closing #26 and #14, plus extensive work by Brendan helping upstream with mingw tests).
Upgraded to simdjson 0.4.6 with further upstream improvements (Dirk in #30).
Change Travis CI to build matrix over g++ 7, 8, 9, and 10 (Dirk in #31; and also Brendan in #32).
New JSON functions
(Brendan in #32) closing #18 and #10).
Changes in version 0.0.6 (2020-06-25)
Created C++ integer-handling utilities for safe downcasting and integer return (Brendan in #16 closing #13).
New JSON functions
(Brendan in #16, #17, #20, #21).Upgrade Travis CI to 'bionic', extract package and version from
(Dirk in #23).
Changes in version 0.0.5 (2020-05-23)
from earlier upstream announcement (Dirk).Updated example
to API changes (Brendan).
Changes in version 0.0.4 (2020-04-03)
Upgraded to new upstream releases 0.3 and 0.3.1 (Dirk in #9 closing #8)
Updated example
to API changes.
Changes in version 0.0.3 (2020-03-03)
Sychronized once more with upstream.
Created new C++ function to check for unsupported architecture, and report the status on package load.
Only run example and unit tests if supported architecture is found.
Created small
script to see if R was built with C++17 support, and record it insrc/Makevars
Changes in version 0.0.2 (2020-02-21)
The R side of
now globs the file argument, expanding symbols like~
appropriately.C++ code in
now conditional on C++17 allowing (incomplete) compilation on lesser systems.New helper function returning value of
macro, used in package startup to warn if insufficient compiler used.
Changes in version 0.0.1 (2020-01-24)
Initial CRAN upload of first version
Comment-out use of
(now updated upstream)Deactivate use computed GOTOs for compiler compliance and CRAN Policy via