To cite Sim.DiffProc in publications use:
1. Guidoum AC, Boukhetala K (2020). “Performing Parallel Monte Carlo and Moment Equations Methods for Itô and Stratonovich Stochastic Differential Systems: R Package Sim.DiffProc.” Journal of Statistical Software, 96(2), 1–82. doi:10.18637/jss.v096.i02.
Corresponding BibTeX entry:
@Article{, title = {Performing Parallel Monte Carlo and Moment Equations Methods for It\^{o} and Stratonovich Stochastic Differential Systems: {R} Package {Sim.DiffProc}}, author = {Arsalane Chouaib Guidoum and Kamal Boukhetala}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, year = {2020}, volume = {96}, number = {2}, pages = {1--82}, doi = {10.18637/jss.v096.i02}, }