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Direction Dependence Analysis (Package: ) provides framework for analyzing competing linear models. A target model is compared to an alternate (causally reversed) model through a series of diagnostic tests. DDA framework supports causal model exploration and potential confounding detection through diagnostics with higher-order moments.

If you are new to Direction Dependence Analysis (DDA) concepts, the best place to start is the Direction Dependence in Statistical Modeling: Methods of Analysis text.


The dda development version can be installed from GitHub:



n <- 1000

### generate moderator
z <- sort(rnorm(n))
z1 <- z[z <= 0]; z2 <- z[z > 0]

### x -> y when m <= 0
x1 <- rchisq(length(z1), df = 4) - 4
e1 <- rchisq(length(z1), df = 3) - 3
y1 <- 0.5 * x1 + e1

### y -> x when m > 0
y2 <- rchisq(length(z2), df = 4) - 4
e2 <- rchisq(length(z2), df = 3) - 3
x2 <- 0.25 * y2 + e2

y <- c(y1, y2); x <- c(x1, x2)
dat <- data.frame(x,y,z)

m <- lm(y ~ x*z, data = dat)
mean.indep <- cdda.indep(m, pred = "x", mod = "z", data = dat, nlfun = 2,
                          modval = "mean", diff = TRUE, hetero = TRUE)

summary(mean.indep, hsic.diff = TRUE, dcor.diff = TRUE, mi.diff = TRUE)
plot.cddaindep(mean.indep, stat = "hsic.diff")
point.vardist <- cdda.vardist(m, pred = "x", mod = "z", data = dat,
                          modval = c(-1, 0, 1))

summary(point.vardist, coskew = TRUE, cokurt = TRUE)
plot(mean.vardist, stat = "rhs", ylim = c(-0.2, 0.3))

Getting help

If you encounter a clear bug, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on GitHub. For questions and other discussion, please contact the package maintainer.