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Direction Dependence Analysis (Package: ) provides framework for analyzing competing linear models. A target model is compared to an alternate (causally reversed) model through a series of diagnostic tests. DDA framework supports causal model exploration and potential confounding detection through diagnostics with higher-order moments.
conditional (moderation) independence
property tests, including non‐linear correlation tests, Breusch–Pagan
homoscedasticity tests, and the HSIC testcdda.vardist()
conditional (moderation) variable
distribution‐based tests, including D’Agostino and Anscombe–Glynn tests
and bootstrap CIs on higher moment differencesdda.indep()
independence property tests, including
non‐linear correlation tests, Breusch–Pagan homoscedasticity tests, and
the HSIC testdda.resdist()
residual distribution tests, including
D’Agostino and Anscombe–Glynn tests and bootstrap CIs on higher moment
variable distribution‐based tests,
including D’Agostino and Anscombe–Glynn tests and bootstrap CIs on
higher moment differencesIf you are new to Direction Dependence Analysis (DDA) concepts, the best place to start is the Direction Dependence in Statistical Modeling: Methods of Analysis text.
The dda
development version can be installed from
n <- 1000
### generate moderator
z <- sort(rnorm(n))
z1 <- z[z <= 0]; z2 <- z[z > 0]
### x -> y when m <= 0
x1 <- rchisq(length(z1), df = 4) - 4
e1 <- rchisq(length(z1), df = 3) - 3
y1 <- 0.5 * x1 + e1
### y -> x when m > 0
y2 <- rchisq(length(z2), df = 4) - 4
e2 <- rchisq(length(z2), df = 3) - 3
x2 <- 0.25 * y2 + e2
y <- c(y1, y2); x <- c(x1, x2)
dat <- data.frame(x,y,z)
m <- lm(y ~ x*z, data = dat)
mean.indep <- cdda.indep(m, pred = "x", mod = "z", data = dat, nlfun = 2,
modval = "mean", diff = TRUE, hetero = TRUE)
summary(mean.indep, hsic.diff = TRUE, dcor.diff = TRUE, mi.diff = TRUE)
plot.cddaindep(mean.indep, stat = "hsic.diff")
point.vardist <- cdda.vardist(m, pred = "x", mod = "z", data = dat,
modval = c(-1, 0, 1))
summary(point.vardist, coskew = TRUE, cokurt = TRUE)
plot(mean.vardist, stat = "rhs", ylim = c(-0.2, 0.3))
If you encounter a clear bug, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on GitHub. For questions and other discussion, please contact the package maintainer.