is a package for simulating distance sampling
surveys to allow users to optimise survey design for studies with
particular properties.
There is currently three vignette within the dsims package to help
you get started using dsims
to dsims
: under
Articles on the navigation bardsims
The easiest way to get dsims
is to install it from CRAN
within R-studio or the R interface. We endeavour to make all new
functionality available on CRAN in a timely manor. However, if you wish
to download the development version with the latest updates immediately
you can do this using Hadley Wickham’s devtools
# First, ensure you have a copy of the `devtools` package:
if (!nzchar(system.file(package = "devtools"))) install.packages("devtools")
then install dsims
from github:
install_github("DistanceDevelopment/dsims", build_vignettes = TRUE)
During installation of packages, you may get the message “These
packages have more recent versions available. It is recommended to
update all of them. Which would you like to update?” and then a list of
packages. We recommend you typically choose the option “CRAN packages
only”. Note you may then get the message that some packages cannot be
installed because they are already loaded. In this case, a solution may
be to note which packages these are, to open an R console (rather than R
Studio) and to use the Packages | Update packages
option (or the update.packages
function) to update these