
CRAN status Coverage Status

The goal of dtreg is to help users interact with various data type registries (DTRs) and create machine-readable data. Currently, we support the ePIC and ORKG DTRs.


The easiest way is to install dtreg from CRAN:


Development version

You can install the development version of dtreg with:

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_gitlab("TIBHannover/orkg/dtreg-r", build_vignettes = TRUE)


This brief example shows you how to work with a DTR schema. You need to know the schema identifier (see the help page ). For instance, the schema “data item” requires the ePIC datatype with the DOI https://doi.org/21.T11969/aff130c76e68ead3862e. For the ORKG, please use the ORKG template URL, such as https://orkg.org/template/R758316.

## load the schema with the known identifier
dt <- dtreg::load_datatype("https://doi.org/21.T11969/aff130c76e68ead3862e")
## look at the schemata you might need to use
#>  [1] "string"            "url"               "integer_in_string"
#>  [4] "column"            "cell"              "row"              
#>  [7] "table"             "component"         "matrix_size"      
#> [10] "figure"            "data_item"
## check available fields for your schema
#> [1] "comment"            "has_expression"     "has_characteristic"
#> [4] "has_part"           "source_table"       "source_url"        
#> [7] "label"
## create your own instance by filling the fields of your choice
## see the help page to know more about the fields
my_label = "my results"
my_df <- data.frame(A = 1, B = 2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
url_1 <- dt$url(label = "URL_1")
url_2 <- dt$url(label = "URL_2")
my_inst <- dt$data_item(
  label = my_label,
  has_expression = c(url_1, url_2),
  source_table = my_df
## write the instance in JSON-LD format as a string
my_json <- dtreg::to_jsonld(my_inst)

## the result can be saved as a JSON file
## write(my_json, "my_file.json")

For more information, please see the help page and dtreg vignette. To access the vignette, you can run:

vignette("dtreg", package="dtreg")