The locuszoomr
package allows users to produce
publication ready gene locus plots very similar to those produced by the
web interface ‘locuszoom’ (, but running purely locally in R.
Plots can easily be customised, labelled and stacked.
These gene annotation plots are produced via R base graphics or ‘ggplot2’. A ‘plotly’ version can also be generated.
Bioconductor packages ensembldb
and an Ensembl database
installed either as a package or obtained through Bioconductor packages
are required before installation. To run the
examples in this vignette the ‘EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75’ ensembl database
package needs to be installed from Bioconductor.
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
Install from CRAN
Install from Github
can access the LDlinkR
to query 1000 Genomes for linkage disequilibrium (LD) across SNPs. In
order to make use of this API function you will need a personal access
token, available from the LDlink website.
We recommend that users who want to add recombination rate lines to multiple plots download the recombination rate track from UCSC and use it as described in the section Add recombination rate.
The quick example below uses a small subset (3 loci) of a GWAS dataset incorporated into the package as a demo. The dataset is from a genetic study on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) by Bentham et al (2015). The full GWAS summary statistics can be downloaded from The data format is shown below.
data(SLE_gwas_sub) ## limited subset of data from SLE GWAS
## chrom pos rsid other_allele effect_allele p
## 1 2 191794580 rs193239665 A T 0.000723856
## 2 2 191794978 rs72907256 C T 0.000481744
## 3 2 191795546 rs6434429 C G 0.156723000
## 4 2 191795869 rs148265823 A G 0.606197000
## 5 2 191799600 rs60202309 T G 0.100580000
## 6 2 191800180 rs114544034 T C 0.022496800
## beta se OR OR_lower OR_upper r2
## 1 0.32930375 0.09741618 1.39 1.1483981 1.6824305 0.037
## 2 0.39877612 0.11423935 1.49 1.1910878 1.8639264 0.034
## 3 -0.09431068 0.06659515 0.91 0.7986462 1.0368796 0.004
## 4 -0.04082199 0.07918766 0.96 0.8219877 1.1211846 0.004
## 5 0.07696104 0.04686893 1.08 0.9852084 1.1839119 0.001
## 6 -0.16251893 0.07122170 0.85 0.7392542 0.9773364 0.019
We plot a locus from this dataset by extracting a subset of the data
using the locus()
function. Make sure you load the correct
Ensembl database.
loc <- locus(data = SLE_gwas_sub, gene = 'UBE2L3', flank = 1e5,
ens_db = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")
## Gene UBE2L3
## Chromosome 22, position 21,803,736 to 22,078,323
## 514 SNPs/datapoints
## 19 gene transcripts
## 8 protein_coding, 3 snoRNA, 2 lincRNA, 2 miRNA, 2 misc_RNA, 1 pseudogene, 1 sense_intronic
## Ensembl version: 75
## Organism: Homo sapiens
## Genome build: GRCh37
For users who only want to plot the gene tracks alone alongside their own plots, see section Plot gene annotation only below.
When locus()
is called, the function tries to autodetect
which columns in the data object refer to chromosome, position,
SNP/feature ID and p-value. These columns may need to be specified
manually using the arguments chrom
, pos
and p
Ensembl databases up to version 86 for Homo sapiens were
loaded as individual packages on Bioconductor. Recent databases are
available through the AnnotationHub
Bioconductor package.
Below we show a toy example to load H. sapiens ensembl database
v106 (even though it is misaligned with the genotype data). If the
argument ens_db
in locus()
is a character
string it specifies an Ensembl package which is queried through
. For AnnotationHub
needs to be set to be the object containing the
database (not a string).
ah <- AnnotationHub()
query(ah, c("EnsDb", "Homo sapiens"))
## AnnotationHub with 25 records
## # snapshotDate(): 2023-04-25
## # $dataprovider: Ensembl
## # $species: Homo sapiens
## # $rdataclass: EnsDb
## # additional mcols(): taxonomyid, genome, description, coordinate_1_based, maintainer,
## # rdatadateadded, preparerclass, tags, rdatapath, sourceurl, sourcetype
## # retrieve records with, e.g., 'object[["AH53211"]]'
## title
## AH53211 | Ensembl 87 EnsDb for Homo Sapiens
## ... ...
## AH100643 | Ensembl 106 EnsDb for Homo sapiens
## AH104864 | Ensembl 107 EnsDb for Homo sapiens
## AH109336 | Ensembl 108 EnsDb for Homo sapiens
## AH109606 | Ensembl 109 EnsDb for Homo sapiens
## AH113665 | Ensembl 110 EnsDb for Homo sapiens
Fetch ensembl database version 106.
ensDb_v106 <- ah[["AH100643"]]
# built-in mini dataset
loc <- locus(data = SLE_gwas_sub, gene = 'UBE2L3', fix_window = 1e6,
ens_db = ensDb_v106)
The genomic locus can be specified in several ways. The simplest is
to specify a gene by name/symbol using the gene
The location of the gene is obtained from the specified Ensembl
database. The amount of flanking regions can either be controlled by
specifying flank
which defaults to 50kb either side of the
ends of the gene. flank
can either be a single number or a
vector of 2 numbers if different down/upstream flanking lengths are
required. Alternatively a fixed genomic window (eg. 1 Mb) centred on the
gene of interest can be specified using the argument
. The locus can be specified manually by
specifying the chromosome using seqname
and genomic
position range using xrange
. Finally, a region can be
specified by naming the index_snp
, in which case the object
is searched for the coordinates of that SNP and the
size of the region defined using fix_window
Once an API personal access token has been obtained, the LDlink API can be called
using the function link_LD()
to retrieve LD (linkage
disequilibrium) information at the locus which is overlaid on the locus
plot. This is shown as a colour overlay showing the level of \(r^2\) between SNPs and the index SNP which
defaults to the SNP with the lowest p-value (or the SNP can be specified
manually). Requests to LDlink are cached using the memoise
package, to reduce API requests.
# Locus plot using SLE GWAS data from Bentham et al 2015
# FTP download full summary statistics from
SLE_gwas <- fread('../bentham_2015_26502338_sle_efo0002690_1_gwas.sumstats.tsv')
loc <- locus(SLE_gwas, gene = 'UBE2L3', flank = 1e5,
ens_db = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")
loc <- link_LD(loc, token = "your_token")
The subset of GWAS data included in the locuszoomr
package has LD data already acquired from LDlink which is included in
the r2
column. This can be plotted by setting
LD = "r2"
. This method also allows users to add their own
LD information from their own datasets to loci.
loc <- locus(SLE_gwas_sub, gene = 'UBE2L3', flank = 1e5, LD = "r2",
ens_db = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")
locus_plot(loc, labels = c("index", "rs140492"),
label_x = c(4, -5))
In keeping with the original locuszoom, recombination rate can be
shown on a secondary y axis using the
function to retrieve recombination rate data
from UCSC genome browser. Calls to
UCSC are cached using memoise
to reduce API requests.
loc3 <- locus(SLE_gwas_sub, gene = 'STAT4', flank = 1e5, LD = "r2",
ens_db = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")
loc3 <- link_recomb(loc3)
The recombination line can be offset from the scatter points to make
it more visible by setting recomb_offset = 0.1
If you are performing multiple UCSC queries, it is much faster to download the whole recombination rate track data file (around 30 MB) from UCSC genome browser (documented here).
The download site can be accessed at
For hg38, download
For hg19, the link is and the
default track we use is
The .bw track file can then be loaded into R as a
object using
, and then
used directly by link_recomb()
as follows:
recomb.hg19 <-"/../")
loc3 <- link_recomb(loc3, recomb = recomb.hg19)
Various plotting options can be customised through arguments via the
call to locus_plot()
. When calling
arguments are passed to either
to control the gene tracks or passed via the
system onto scatter_plot()
to control the
scatter plot.
Plot borders can be set using border = TRUE
. The
chromosome position \(x\) axis labels
can be placed under the top or bottom plots using
xtick = "top"
or "bottom"
Additional arguments can also be passed onto plot()
the ...
system, e.g. ylim
, par()
settings etc. For example col = NA
can be added to
or scatter_plot()
to remove the
black outline around the scatter plot markers.
Labels can be added by specifying a vector of SNP or genomic feature
IDs as shown in the plot above using the argument labels
(see scatter_plot()
). The value "index"
to the index SNP as the highest point in the locus or as defined by the
argument index_snp
when locus()
is called. The
easiest way to identify points is using the plotly version locus_plotly()
which allows you to hover over points and see their rsid or feature
label. label_x
and label_y
control the
position of the labels and can be specified as a single value or a
vector of values.
Advanced users familiar with base graphics can customise every single
point on the scatter plot, by adding columns named bg
, pch
or cex
directly to the
dataframe stored in $data
element of the locus
object. Setting these will overrule any default settings. These columns
refer to their respective base graphics arguments: bg
the fill colour for points, col
sets the outline colour,
sets the symbols (see ?points
for a list
of these) and cex
sets the size of points (default is
# add column 'typed' as a factor which is 1 for typed, 0 for imputed
loc$data$typed <- factor(rbinom(n = nrow(loc$data), 1, 0.3))
# convert column to shapes by adding a column called 'pch'
loc$data$pch <- c(21, 24)[loc$data$typed]
# pch 21 = circles = imputed
# pch 24 = triangles = typed
See the help pages at ?locus_plot
for more details.
The gene tracks can be also customised with colours and gene label
text position. Gene names can be italicised by setting the argument
italics = TRUE
. See the help page at
and ?locus_plot
for more
# Filter by gene biotype
locus_plot(loc, filter_gene_biotype = "protein_coding")
# Custom selection of genes using gene names
locus_plot(loc, filter_gene_name = c('UBE2L3', 'RIMBP3C', 'YDJC', 'PPIL2',
'PI4KAP2', 'MIR301B'))
The gene track can be plotted from a locus
class object
using the function genetracks()
. This uses base graphics,
so layout()
can be used to stack custom-made plots above or
below the gene tracks. The function set_layers()
designed to make this easier for users. See section Layering plots below.
genetracks(loc, highlight = "UBE2L3")
The function allows control over plotting of the gene tracks such as
changing the number of gene annotation tracks and the colour scheme. Set
to show only genes and hide the exons.
# Limit the number of tracks
# Filter by gene biotype
# Customise colours
genetracks(loc, maxrows = 3, filter_gene_biotype = 'protein_coding',
gene_col = 'grey', exon_col = 'orange', exon_border = 'darkgrey')
For advanced users who only want the gene tracks to add to their own
plots, locus()
can be called without the data
argument specified (or data
can be set to
). Then genetracks can be plotted in base graphics,
ggplot2 or plotly.
loc00 <- locus(gene = 'UBE2L3', flank = 1e5, ens_db = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")
genetracks(loc00) # base graphics
gg_genetracks(loc00) # ggplot2
genetrack_ly(loc00) # plotly
GTEx eQTL data can be accessed via the LDlinkR package which queries
the LDlink server API to
download data and add it to a ‘locus’ object. The eQTL data is stored in
slot in the locus object.
# obtain GTEx eQTL data from LDlinkR
# needs personal access token for LDlink
loc2 <- locus(SLE_gwas_sub, gene = 'IRF5', flank = c(7e4, 2e5), LD = "r2",
ens_db = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")
loc2 <- link_eqtl(loc2, token = "..")
head(loc2$LDexp) # show eQTL data
Often at a locus eQTL data may be available on a range of genes and tissues. The following code shows how to see which genes and tissues are available and how eQTL SNPs they each have.
## 5 1618 1 2 9 3
## ...
## Adipose - Subcutaneous Adipose - Visceral (Omentum)
## 78 69
## Adrenal Gland Artery - Aorta
## 38 109
## ...
Embedded eQTL data can be plotted using eqtl_plot()
shown as an overlay plot using overlay_plot()
which shows
GWAS or association data on the y axis and overlays eQTL
results using symbols and colours.
# just plot eQTL results
eqtl_plot(loc2, tissue = "Whole Blood", eqtl_gene = "IRF5")
# overlay eqtl plot
overlay_plot(loc2, eqtl_gene = "IRF5")
Instead of plotting -log10 p-value on the y axis, it is
possible to specify a different variable in your dataset using the
argument yvar
locb <- locus(SLE_gwas_sub, gene = 'UBE2L3', flank = 1e5, yvar = "beta",
ens_db = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")
uses graphics::layout
to arrange
plots. To layout multiple locus plots side by side, use the function
to set the number of locus plots per row and
column. The plots
argument in multi_layout()
can either be a list of locus class objects, one for each gene. Or for
full control it can be an ‘expression’ with a series of manual calls to
. Alternatively a for
loop could
be called within the plots
genes <- c("STAT4", "IRF5", "UBE2L3")
# generate list of 'locus' class objects, one for each gene
loclist <- lapply(genes, locus,
data = SLE_gwas_sub,
ens_db = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75",
LD = "r2")
## produce 3 locus plots, one on each page
## place 3 locus plots in a row on a single page
multi_layout(loclist, ncol = 3, labels = "index")
## full control
loc2 <- locus(SLE_gwas_sub, gene = 'IRF5', flank = c(7e4, 2e5), LD = "r2",
ens_db = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")
loc3 <- locus(SLE_gwas_sub, gene = 'STAT4', flank = 1e5, LD = "r2",
ens_db = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")
pdf("myplot.pdf", width = 9, height = 6)
multi_layout(ncol = 3,
plots = {
locus_plot(loc, use_layout = FALSE, legend_pos = 'topleft')
locus_plot(loc2, use_layout = FALSE, legend_pos = NULL)
locus_plot(loc3, use_layout = FALSE, legend_pos = NULL,
labels = "index")
has been designed with modular functions to
enable layering of plots on top of each other in a column with gene
tracks on the bottom. set_layers()
is used to set layout of
plots in base graphics by calling layout()
. You will need
to reset par()
to original layout settings once the
multi-panel plot is finished.
is used to generate the locus plot.
is used as an example of an additional plot.
Also see eqtl_plot()
for plotting eQTL information
retrieved via the LDlinkR package.
pdf("myplot2.pdf", width = 6, height = 8)
# set up layered plot with 2 plots & a gene track; store old par() settings
oldpar <- set_layers(2)
scatter_plot(loc, xticks = FALSE)
line_plot(loc, col = "orange", xticks = FALSE)
par(oldpar) # revert par() settings
can be called with argument
add = TRUE
to add multiple sets of points overlaid on one
dat <- SLE_gwas_sub
dat$p2 <- -log10(dat$p * 0.1)
locp <- locus(dat, gene = 'UBE2L3', flank = 1e5, ens_db = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")
locp2 <- locus(dat, gene = 'UBE2L3', flank = 1e5, yvar = "p2",
ens_db = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")
oldpar <- set_layers(1)
scatter_plot(locp, xticks = FALSE, pcutoff = NULL, ylim = c(0, 16))
scatter_plot(locp2, xticks = FALSE, pcutoff = NULL, scheme = "orange",
pch = 22, add = TRUE)
The power of base graphics is that it gives complete control over
plotting. In the example below, we show how to add your own legend, text
labels, lines to demarcate a gene and extra points on top or underneath
the main plot. When plot()
is called, base graphics allows
additional plotting using the arguments panel.first
. Since these are called inside the
function they need to be quoted using
# add vertical lines for gene of interest under the main plot
pf <- quote({
v <- locp$TX[locp$TX$gene_name == "UBE2L3", c("start", "end")]
abline(v = v, col = "orange")
pl <- quote({
# add custom text label for index SNP
lx <- locp$data$pos[locp$data$rsid == locp$index_snp]
ly <- locp$data$logP[locp$data$rsid == locp$index_snp]
text(lx, ly, locp$index_snp, pos = 4, cex = 0.8)
# add extra points
px <- rep(22.05e6, 3)
py <- 10:12
points(px, py, pch = 21, bg = "green")
# add custom legend
legend("topleft", legend = c("group A", "group B"),
pch = 21, = c("blue", "green"), bty = "n")
locus_plot(locp, pcutoff = NULL, panel.first = pf, panel.last = pl)
versions of several of the above functions are
available. For a whole locus plot use locus_ggplot()
The gene tracks can be produced on their own as a ggplot2 object
using gg_genetracks()
The scatter plot alone can be produced as a ggplot2 object.
p <- gg_scatter(loc)
Finally, gg_addgenes()
can be used to add gene tracks to
an existing ggplot2 plot that has been previously created and
gg_addgenes(p, loc)
If you are using ggplot2, the easiest way to edit the scatter plot
and change legend and other details, is to use gg_scatter()
and modify the plot using the ggplot2 +
notation. For
example, to increase the font size of the legend you could do the
p <- gg_scatter(loc) +
theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
legend.title = element_text(size = 14))
gg_addgenes(p, loc)
Shapes can be overlaid in the scatter plot by setting either
or shape
to a column name in the dataset.
Setting beta
shows up-triangles for positive beta values
and down-triangles for negative beta values. If shape
set, for example to show imputed vs typed SNPs, the column needs to be a
factor (to make the legend nice). shape_values
is then set
as a vector of shapes to which the levels of the factor are mapped on
the scatter plot.
locus_ggplot(loc, beta = "beta")
# add column 'typed' as a factor with levels "typed", "imputed"
loc$data$typed <- factor(rbinom(n = nrow(loc$data), 1, 0.3), labels = c("imputed", "typed"))
locus_ggplot(loc, shape = "typed")
Plots can be layered above gene tracks, using
or using the patchwork
g <- gg_genetracks(loc)
plot_grid(p, p, g, ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(2, 2, 1), align = "v")
# patchwork method
p / p / g
# patchwork method 2
wrap_plots(p, p, g, ncol = 1)
For users who prefer the grid system we recommend also looking at
Bioconductor packages Gviz
or ggbio
possible alternatives.
It is possible to use either the cowplot
packages to layout multiple locus ggplots on the
same page.
p1 <- locus_ggplot(loc, labels = "index", nudge_x = 0.03)
p2 <- locus_ggplot(loc2, legend_pos = NULL)
plot_grid(p1, p2, ncol = 2)
Or using ggpubr or gridExtra:
pdf("my_ggplot.pdf", width = 10)
ggarrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2)
pdf("my_ggplot.pdf", width = 10)
grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2)
A known issue with the ggplot2 version locus_ggplot()
that the system for ensuring that gene labels seems to go wrong when the
plot window is resized during arrangement of multiple plots. The
workable solution at present is to make sure that the height and width
of the final pdf/output is enlarged as per the example above, which
plots fine without any text overlapping when exported to pdf at an
appropriate size.
includes a ‘plotly’ version for plotting locus
plots which is interactive. This allows users to hover over the plot and
reveal additional information such as SNP rs IDs for each point and
information about each gene in the gene tracks. This can help when
exploring a locus or region and trying to identify particular SNPs (or
genomic features) of interest.
includes a function quick_peak()
to quickly find GWAS peaks based on a set p-value threshold (default
5e-08) and specifying a minimum distance between peaks (default 1 Mb).
The function will either find all peaks ordered by lowest p-value, or
the top n peaks can be identified by setting
# FTP download full summary statistics of this SLE GWAS from
SLE_gwas <- fread('../bentham_2015_26502338_sle_efo0002690_1_gwas.sumstats.tsv')
pks <- quick_peak(SLE_gwas)
## 34 peaks found (0.328 secs)
top_snps <- SLE_gwas$rsid[pks]
## [1] "rs141910407" "rs114056368" "rs4274624" "rs17849501" "rs1143679" "rs114115096"
We can now plot locus plots for all the GWAS peaks as a single pdf,
as specified by the vector of top SNPs. The link_recomb()
line below can be sped up by downloading the recombination track file
from UCSC - see example code in Add
recombination rate.
all_loci <- lapply(top_snps, function(i) {
loc <- locus(data = SLE_gwas, index_snp = i, fix_window = 1e6,
ens_db = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")
tmp <- lapply(all_loci, locus_plot, labels = "index")
Alternatively export plots using ggplot2.
pp <- lapply(all_loci, locus_ggplot, labels = "index", nudge_y = 1)
for (i in seq_along(pp)) {
For Manhattan plots, log p-value QQ plot and easy labelling of
volcano plots or other scatter plots with draggable labels, check out
our sister package easylabel
on CRAN at
If you use this package please cite as:
Lewis MJ, Wang S. (2025) locuszoomr: an R package for visualising publication-ready regional gene locus plots. Bioinformatics Advances 2025; vbaf006, doi:10.1093/bioadv/vbaf006
Pruim RJ, Welch RP, Sanna S, Teslovich TM, Chines PS, Gliedt TP, Boehnke M, Abecasis GR, Willer CJ. (2010) LocusZoom: Regional visualization of genome-wide association scan results. Bioinformatics 2010; 26(18): 2336-7.