Steve’s R Markdown Templates

is an R package to help you create lovely
R Markdown documents, primarily for conversion to LaTeX PDFs. They come
from my
suite of R Markdown templates, which I’m making available as an R
package. The impetus behind the R package is three-fold. First, I’ve
always wanted to get something on CRAN just to say I did it. Two, I’m
hopelessly vain and like making my first name as a prefix for various
R-related things (see also: {stevemisc}
part of the hypothetical {steveverse}
for all things R and
me (i.e. Steve)). Three, it would be nice to cut down on how clunky my
YAML can get and it’d be nice for me and other users to have one single
place to store these templates that don’t depend on my cornball relative
You can install this on CRAN.
The development version may also have some extra goodies not yet
published on CRAN. You can install the development version of
from Github via the devtools
package. I suppose using the remotes
package would work as
The easiest way to use my templates is within Rstudio. Go to File
> New File > R Markdown. Here, select any template you’d like
to use. The version on CRAN should lag behind the development version,
but the development version includes the following templates:
- Steve’s Anonymous Manuscript Template: This is an R
Markdown template I used exactly once for an anonymous manuscript
submission that needed to look an exact way. That submission was not
published at that journal. I have not had the occasion to submit there
- Steve’s
First Article/Manuscript Template: This is my first
article/manuscript template and I made over five years ago. I used this
template quite often for my manuscripts, but I switched to another
template (also included in this package). It’s here as a legacy
addition. I don’t intend to offer much support for this template
anymore, but it has lots of goodies (e.g. appendix support, suppressing
title pages, etc.). You can call it in the YAML with
- Steve’s
2nd Article/Manuscript Template: This is my second
article/manuscript template that I made in September 2020. It’s
patterned off the
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) LaTeX templates. You can
call it in the YAML with
- Steve’s
Academic CV Template: This is my academic CV template I
made in 2016, and I think it’s my most popular. It’s certainly the one I
see most often in the wild. It’s also what I currently use for my CV. You can call it in the YAML
- Steve’s
Non-Academic Résumé Template: This is an addition I made in
2020 to my suite of R Markdown templates. It’s a bit clunky, but it’s
useful and markup-light for non-academic résumés. You can call it in the
YAML with
- Steve’s
Beamer Template: This is my go-to presentation template as
I prefer Beamer PDFs to other presentation formats. You can call it in
the YAML with
- Steve’s HTML Template: I created this template on
the fly for formatting academic manuscripts to an HTML document.
Capabilities are limited the extent to which there’s more CSS I need to
adjust. This manuscript features prominently in my
- Steve’s
Memo Template: I created this for a memo I needed to write
in 2019. You can call it in the YAML with
- Steve’s Statement Template: I created this template
in 2016 (I believe). I use it for writing various “statements” (e.g. my research
statement, statement of teaching
philosophy) when applying for jobs. I also use it for miscellaneous
university busy work. You can call it in the YAML with
- Steve’s
Syllabus Template: This is one of my first templates,
dating to mid-2016. I use it for all my syllabi for any class I teach.
You can call it in the YAML with
- Steve’s Word Template: I created this template many
years ago and never worked with it because Word is limited in its
functionality. I’ve since come back to this template because its
limitations make it wonderful for “anonymizing” a manuscript for
submission to journals that are picky about PDF submissions. This
manuscript features prominently in my
The user should notice that the YAML contains the functions (loaded
in this package) to compile these documents. They are basic wrappers for
. Please consult the corresponding
posts and the
template repository for rudimentary examples and the underlying code
to help guide your usage. Importantly: some features/functionality might
not be evident in these templates because they may require other add-ons
(e.g. R packages or specialty fonts) that you may or may not have.