Functions to Accompany J. Fox and S. Weisberg,
An R Companion to Applied Regression, Third Edition, Sage, 2019.
Version: |
3.1-3 |
Depends: |
R (≥ 3.5.0), carData (≥ 3.0-0) |
Imports: |
abind, Formula, MASS, mgcv, nnet, pbkrtest (≥ 0.4-4), quantreg, grDevices, utils, stats, graphics, lme4 (≥
1.1-27.1), nlme, scales |
Suggests: |
alr4, boot, coxme, effects, knitr, leaps, lmtest, Matrix, MatrixModels, ordinal, plotrix, mvtnorm, rgl (≥ 0.111.3), rio, sandwich, SparseM, survival, survey |
Published: |
2024-09-27 |
DOI: |
10.32614/ |
Author: |
John Fox [aut, cre],
Sanford Weisberg [aut],
Brad Price [aut],
Daniel Adler [ctb],
Douglas Bates [ctb],
Gabriel Baud-Bovy [ctb],
Ben Bolker [ctb],
Steve Ellison [ctb],
David Firth [ctb],
Michael Friendly [ctb],
Gregor Gorjanc [ctb],
Spencer Graves [ctb],
Richard Heiberger [ctb],
Pavel Krivitsky [ctb],
Rafael Laboissiere [ctb],
Martin Maechler [ctb],
Georges Monette [ctb],
Duncan Murdoch [ctb],
Henric Nilsson [ctb],
Derek Ogle [ctb],
Brian Ripley [ctb],
Tom Short [ctb],
William Venables [ctb],
Steve Walker [ctb],
David Winsemius [ctb],
Achim Zeileis [ctb],
R-Core [ctb] |
Maintainer: |
John Fox <jfox at> |
License: |
GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)] |
URL: |,, |
NeedsCompilation: |
no |
Citation: |
car citation info |
Materials: |
In views: |
Econometrics, Finance, MixedModels, TeachingStatistics |
CRAN checks: |
car results |
Reverse depends: |
AER, alr4, BayesianMediationA, bgmm, compindexR, Deducer, dhglm, DJL, EdSurvey, fitplc, genridge, GEWIST, gma, granova, GrimR, GroupComparisons, hysteresis, itemanalysis, LPGraph, macc, micEconCES, mlma, mma, mmabig, mvinfluence, NitrogenUptake2016, papeR, phia, quantification, quickregression, Rcmdr, RcmdrMisc, SAEval, ScottKnottESD, stepp, systemfit |
Reverse imports: |
adventr, afex, AFR, aggTrees, AICcPermanova, anacor, ANOVAIREVA, AovBay, apaTables, apc, aPCoA, apt, ardl.nardl, ART, ARTool, AutoScore, bayesLife, bbw, BetterReg, BioPred, blorr, boot.pval, candisc, clptheory, Cluster.OBeu, CMHNPA, cna, colocPropTest, combat.enigma, ComBatFamQC, Countr, cprobit, cv, DEGRE, DIDmultiplegtDYN, DistatisR, drc, dynlm, dynr, EasyDescribe, eatRep, ecm, eda4treeR, EffectLiteR, envoutliers, epr, ERSA, EvaluateCore, eventstudyr, ez, FactoMineR, fingerPro, flowDensity, flowPloidy, forestmangr, FSA, fxregime, gcmr, GEOexplorer, glmmSeq, GNOSIS, grafify, gWQS, HanStat, HDANOVA, heplots, ibd, iClick, interactionR, iNZightRegression, its.analysis, ivreg, jmv, jstable, lambdaTS, ldamatch, lidaRtRee, lilikoi, LipidomicsR, lmviz, LongDat, LSDsensitivity, lulab.utils, Maaslin2, matlib, MDMA, MDMR, medflex, miceafter, microbiomeExplorer, MIIVsem, mixlm, mlrpro, mmibain, ModTools, MorphoTools2, MPGE, MSclassifR, MTest, MultBiplotR, multiblock, multpois, mvdalab, MVN, MWASTools, My.stepwise, nardl, ndi, nearfar, neatStats, nestedLogit, NHPoisson, NonlinearTSA, NormalyzerDE, NormData, oldr, OlinkAnalyze, olsrr, oncoPredict, OncoSimulR, onewaytests, OpenStats, OPSR, pcvr, PhenStat, piecewiseSEM, plsRglm, PointFore, polimetrics, poliscidata, predictmeans, prettyglm, PROreg, ProtE, psfmi, pubh, pwr2ppl, pwr4exp, quest, r2spss, rADA,, radiant.model, radiant.multivariate, randomForestVIP, rasclass, RcmdrPlugin.NMBU, RcmdrPlugin.survival, RCPA3, RegAssure, regtools, RESI, rifi, rosetta, rqt, rstatix, RTN, RVAideMemoire, SARP.compo, scan, scorecardModelUtils, sdamr, sdcMicro, seedreg, SemNeT, SignifReg, SimNPH, simr, SimTimeVar, skpr, spANOVA, spldv, ssMRCD, starry, statforbiology, stats4teaching, Statsomat, StroupGLMM, tern, tidycomm, tidySEM, tstests, twowaytests, VIM, volker, WAnova, zetadiv |
Reverse suggests: |
abd, adegraphics, agridat, alpaca, betareg, BiodiversityR, biomod2, biostat3, Biostatistics, brainGraph, broom, bruceR, bumbl, CAISEr, carData, cardx, ChineseNames, ClassifyR, cloneRate, clustNet, codingMatrices, cogmapr, coreSim, ctqr, DanielBiostatistics10th, datana, dfrr, dispmod, dominanceanalysis, Ecfun, ecostats, effects, effectsize, embryogrowth, emmeans, estimatr, fastR2, fdm2id, ffmanova, fscaret, gamclass, geocmeans, geosimilarity, ggeffects, GGMncv, glmmTMB, gmm, gmnl, GoodmanKruskal, gtools, gtsummary, Guerry, HEssRNA, HH, HistData, HLMdiag, industRial, insight, JFE, Keng, KnowBR, labelr, Lahman, limpca, lme4, lmtest, LSAmitR, marginaleffects, MAST, matrixTests, meboot, melt, miceadds, mlogit, mmrm, modelsummary, momentuHMM, Morpho, mpae, mthapower, multifunc, mvMORPH, NADA2, nlraa, npsm, padma, panelr, papaja, parameters, Path.Analysis, pder, pedometrics, performance, permutes, pglm, phenology, plm, PMCMRplus, pscl, psichomics, R2MLwiN, rayshader, Rchoice, RcmdrPlugin.EZR, RcmdrPlugin.HH, RcmdrPlugin.UCA, rddtools, REdaS, rigr, Rmonize, rockchalk, RRphylo, rtables, rtables.officer, rTPC, rYWAASB, sageR, sand, sandwich, SenSrivastava, SightabilityModel, sjPlot, sjstats, skedastic, Sleuth2, Sleuth3, spant, starvz, strucchange, strucchangeRcpp, structToolbox, supernova, TOSTER, TSS.RESTREND, ufs, vcdExtra, VisCollin, WRS2, xplain |
Reverse enhances: |
memisc |